======Common Printing Dialog: Test it!======
The code for the Common Printing dialog is currently hosted at OpenPrinting. It should later get part of the major desktops.
Browse the code for the dialog's UI in our [[http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/openprinting/devel/common-printing-dialog/files|Bazaar repository]].
Download it with
bzr branch http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/openprinting/devel/common-printing-dialog
To compile and run, do (you need the development packages (*-dev or *-devel) for KDE 4.0: Qt, QtDBus, kdelibs, cups, and poppler-qt4. It uses QWidgets on QGraphicsView, so it needs Qt >= 4.4.0):
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../kde4-dialog
On Ubuntu Hardy use the following "cmake" command:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4 ..
To run the dialog, use the following command:
../build/kde4-dialog/kde4-cpd &
If you now run a client program (like qt-client), a dialog will appear. If you just want to view the dialog (i.e. when demonstrating it to someone), use this:
../build/kde4-dialog/view-dialog --previewfile &
will be used for the preview.
There is also a GTK-based version of the dialog. To build it, edit the reference to a PDF file in printdialog.c to an existing PPD file and do
cd gtk-dialog
./glib-dialog -f [-p ]
You need to libcups2-dev, libpoppler-glib-dev, libpoppler-dev, and the *-dev files for GTK apps being installed.
Browse the code for the interface between the applications and the printing dialog (CPDAPI) here
and download it via
bzr branch http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/openprinting/devel/cpdapi
To test the code, run the following commands (the packages "cmake" and "libqt4-dev" must be installed, qmake must point to the Qt4 version, remove the package "qt3-dev-tools" or do "update-alternatives --config qmake"):
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
qt-dialog/qt-dialog &
qt-dialog/qt-dialog &