====== HOWTO: RT latency debugging ======
This page contains information about how to debug latencies on real-time systems.
===== Latency =====
When a real-time system is said to have //latencies// or that it has a //latency// that needs to be debugged, the term //latency// means "a situation in which a task or an operation took too long to finish". In a real-time context, the time that it takes a system to perform a particular task (i.e. the latency of the task) is important as each task must be able to finish before its specified deadline.
[[realtime:documentation:technical_basics:latency|Read more about the term latency]]
===== Techniques =====
* [[realtime:documentation:howto:debugging:debug-steps|General steps for latency debugging]]
* [[realtime:documentation:howto:tools:start#latency_detection|Latency detection tools]]
* [[realtime:documentation:howto:debugging:smi-latency:start|Debugging SMI latencies]]