====== taskset command ======
taskset command is written by Robert M. Love. It makes use of the
Linux kernel system calls ([[realtime:documentation:howto:tools:cpu-partitioning:sched_getsetaffinity|sched_setaffinity and sched_getaffinity]]) to
set the [[realtime:documentation:howto:tools:cpu-partitioning:start#cpu_affinity_of_tasks|CPU affinity]].
Taskset is part of util-linux and the source code is hosted on
===== Installation =====
The util-linux can be easily installed with the prebuilt package
"util-linux". On a Debian system therefore execute:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install util-linux
===== How to use =====
To change the CPU affinity of a task, the user needs the capability
Only a collection of possible use cases is given here. For a detailed
documentation of all available parameters, please refere to the man
$ man taskset
Start an application foo on CPU 3:
$ taskset -c 3 foo
The CPU affinity can be read out of an allready running task with:
PID 4711
$ taskset -p 4711
The CPU affinity of the task with pid 4711 can be changed afterwards:
$ taskset -p 0x0003 4711