Willie Walker
Mike Gorse
Mark Doffman
Brad Taylor
Li Yuan
Ke Wang
Rob Taylor
Two people experienced with the code-base attended. Mark Doffman gave a brief overview of the specs and code tree. There has been a 300% increase in the number of people familiar with the project code-base.
API Crawl
As a group we did a review of the D-Bus specification referring to the CORBA IDL specification and the code. A number of inconsistencies were found and resolved including:
Passing of Attributes as a string rather than dictionary.
Enums vs ints.
Removed dead / unused
Fixed bugs in pyatspi where return-values were not marshaled as requested in the specification.
Fixed bugs in pyatspi where non-writable properties had 'write' methods.
Orca-based sanity check
As a group we tested AT-SPI D-Bus with Orca & gtk-demo. This brought up a number of previously un-discovered bugs which were resolved.
Remaining work
We discussed the work remaining and created a list of known problems and issues.
CBindings (Unknown)
Complete cspi
API not-necessary. C Bindings should be provided for the accessible-transfer and caching mechanisms.
Possibly gok will need re-writing or porting to the new
Possibly implement Collections
API on the client side. (4 weeks)
Pyatspi makes blocking function calls. This will cause deadlock when an AT attempts to access accessibility information about itself. For example, Orca cannot access its own preferences