If any developer involved in CIP kernel maintenance requires some training or guidance, Ben will put effort on this task while linked to CIP.
OSS Japan and DebConf 2018 seem the events where decisions will be taken in relation with the kernel alignment.
I believe though it might be wise to start pushing this explicitly asap, liked to a commitment of effort added to it, which is the best way for others to take us in consideration not just as “beneficiaries” but as “participants”.
I will attend to
OSS Japan and I will push a request in the coming days to the Board for Ben H. to go there.
That alignment might open a window to keep Ben H. involved in CIP directly for that specific kernel. It is something worth exploring when the time comes. No commitments at this point though.
Gathering now future requirements for the next kernel is a good exercise to scope the dimension of the effort required during 2018 and 2019. Having Ben H. involved on this would be ideal, which introduces again some limitations on when should this discussion take place.
I see it as a good exercise to attract potential Members, specially if we discuss this in the open, which I recommend.