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OpenChain Translation

Translations of the OpenChain Specification, Curriculum and other material is welcomed. We have a policy and process for official translations. Our goal is to balance accuracy while encouraging contribution.

Translating the Specification

The official English versions of the OpenChain Specification can be found here:

The official versions of the OpenChain Specification are always provided in PDF format to ensure fidelity. It is possible to get an editable version of the OpenChain Specification for translation. Lead contributors can obtain a MS Word version of the official English version from Mark.Gisi @ WindRiver (dot) com to serve as a template.

Translating other OpenChain material

The OpenChain Curriculum and all other material is welcome to be translated. As per the OpenChain Specification, we prefer to have one official translation of each item, and we prefer to coordinate translations where possible. Please see below for the official OpenChain translation policy and process.

OpenChain Official Translation Policy

Translation Checklist

  1. Receive nomination to perform translation via the main OpenChain mailing list. If approved by the Specification Work Team Chair then precede to complete the remaining steps.
  2. Obtain names of maintainer and reviewer(s). Add them to the translation page listing for the given language
  3. Direct all translation related discussions to the specification mailing list. Maintainer and reviewer will need to join this list:
  4. Maintainer obtains a MS Word or ODT copy of the English version to facilitate the translation:
  5. Create a github repository and assign maintainer admin access. If you are not familiar with Github we will assist you in checking in your work product files and creating the additional required files prior to the release of the translation.
    • The maintainer should include a file in the top directory that lists all the contributors.
    • The maintainer should include a License file should be the same as the version of the English spec being translated.
  6. Submit final version for review in pdf format to the specification mailing list for review. This review is largely about the formatting.
    • The following disclaimer must be included in English and the translated language above the copyright and license notices found on page 2: “This is an official translation from the OpenChain Project. It has been translated from the original English text. In the event there is confusion between this translation and the English version, The English text shall take precedence.”
  7. Once the formatted version is approved: send maintainer and reviewers formal email sign off requests via the specification mailing list. This sign off is largely about ensuring the translation content accurately and completely represents the text found in the English version.
  8. Obtain sign offs from maintainer and reviewer(s).
  9. Post translated pdf version to the OpenChain Translation web page. It should also be stored in the github repo.
  10. Announce the availability of the translated version on the main OpenChain mailing list

Current Translation Activity

We currently have contributions underway from the following languages: