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Common Printing Dialog: Requirements


Requirements for the Common Printing Dialog and its API

Acceptable keywords for the requirements are limited to:


Application and Print Dialog communication shall use DBUS except for PDF content, for which sockets will be used.

Status: Approved

Option Icons

Applications and also printer drivers/PPDs may assign icons to options and choices. Icons from printer drivers/PPDs shall be embedded in the PPD and shall be UU-encoded (base64).

What format and size (in case of raster format) shall the icons be in?

Status: Pending


Applications may send preview of a document page to the dialog. The dialog must accept partial previews and notify the application if it needs additional pages. This will enable the dialog to quickly show a preview, even for large documents.

Status: Approved

Preview Format

Application shall send preview of a document page in PDF format

Status: Pending

DBUS Service Name

The API for the common print dialog shall be accessible on the session bus underorg.openprinting.PrintDialog

Status: Pending

Multiple Print Dialogs

The dialog backend must support more than one dialog at the same time. All of those dialogs will be accessible on the session bus, to avoid the overhead of private connections. Furthermore, this will allow us to use dbus service activation, i.e. no daemon is needed.

An application may run more than one printing dialog simultaneously. This will be useful for SDI applications, in which a single process might have many documents opened in different windows. Examples for such applications: gedit, firefox.

Status: Pending

Option Change Notification

The application will be notified whenever any print option changes (not just its own). It shall also have the possibility to fetch the current value of any option.

Status: Pending

Document Size

Applications may send the size of the final document to the dialog before sending the document itself. This allows the dialog to give the user some kind of feedback for the status of the print job transfer.

Status: Pending

Option Hints

There are many ways for a dialog to visualize an option of a specific type. For example, a numeric option might be shown as a slider, a spinbox, or even a combination of the two. Many applications also allow the user to choose the unit in which he specifies the option value (see the gimp for example).

Therefore, it would be nice if the dialog could get some more information about an option. Since this information is purely aesthetic and not compulsory, I propose to allow an application to add any number of Hints to an option.

Some examples:

In the PPD file, we could introduce a keyword

*OPOptionHints <optionname>: Hint1, Hint2, ..., HintN

A dialog implementation may choose to ignore those hints.

Status: Pending

Application specific Presets and Tags

An application shall have the ability to add custom presets and tags.

Status: Pending

Option Saving

The dialog may remember printing options for each application and/or document. This should happen completely transparent to the application. saves printing settings (selected print queue and option settings) in its documents. To not require OOo to change the feature with the introduction of the Common Printing Dialog, the dialog should set the remembered options before OpenOffice sets its own options.

There should be some kind of configuration option for the user to turn this feature off.

Handling of "InstallableOptions" group in PPD

The “InstallableOptions” group in the PPD allows to configure which optional accessories are installed on a printer. This way choices in the user options which only make sense if an appropriate accessory is installed can get invalidated by conflict definitions (“*UIConstraints:”). The options in the “InstallableOptions” group are usually only configured by the system administrator or they are configured automatically. A user who simply wants to print does not need to see them, and he also does not need to see choices in the other options which are only useful for an accessory which is not installed.

So all options in the “InstallableOptions” group should never be shown by the dialog and of all the other options should not show any choices which conflict with settings of options in the “InstallableOptions” group. If after that an option reduces to 1 or 0 choices, this option should also not be shown.

Example: The “InstallableOptions” group has the option “DuplexUnit” with the choices “Installed” and “NotInstalled”. “NotInstalled” naturally conflicts with “DuplexTumble” and “DuplexNoTumble” but not with “None” of the “Duplex” option. So in the case that a printer has no duplex unit installed the “DuplexUnit” option is set to “NotInstalled” and so “DuplexTumble” and “DuplexNoTumble” do not get shown. As the “Duplex” option then would show only “None”, the “Duplex” option will not be shown at all and always the setting “None” be submitted.


The application has to communicate the following things with the dialog: