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gsoc:2025-gsoc-sound-open-firmware [2025/03/10 12:34]
dbaluta [Sound Open Firmware Community]
gsoc:2025-gsoc-sound-open-firmware [2025/03/10 12:38] (current)
Line 22: Line 22:
 Code Licenses - BSD/MIT Code Licenses - BSD/MIT
 +In order to get acquainted to the project and to have a solid project application please tackle and document in the final application your progress on  {{ :​gsoc:​getting_started_with_sof_for_gsosc2025.pdf |SOF Tasks}}
 ===== Project Proposals ===== ===== Project Proposals =====
gsoc/2025-gsoc-sound-open-firmware.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/03/10 12:38 by dbaluta