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lkmp:lkmp_task_list [2019/06/18 22:42]
mchehab [Table]
lkmp:lkmp_task_list [2020/01/07 20:05] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 ==== Documentation conversion and updates ==== ==== Documentation conversion and updates ====
-The following directories have several .txt file. Please pick files and convert to ReST. There are a few exceptions that should be kept as plain text files.+The following directories have several .txt files. Please pick two files and convert to ReST. There are a few exceptions that should be kept as plain text files:
   * a configuration file whose extension is .txt;   * a configuration file whose extension is .txt;
-  * a dump of chapter extracted from an old arch-specific manual ​with seems to be provided by its manufacturer.+  * a dump of chapter extracted from an old arch-specific manual ​which seems to be provided by its manufacturer.
 **Preparing to build the documentation:​** **Preparing to build the documentation:​**
-There'​s a script ​with checks if you have all needed dependencies to build the documentation. ​it is called automatically when you run ''​make htmldocs''​. Alternatively,​ you can call the script directly with:+There'​s a script ​that checks if you have all needed dependencies to build the documentation. ​It is called automatically when you run ''​make htmldocs''​. Alternatively,​ you can call the script directly with:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 16: Line 16:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-**Building docs and looking for warns:**+**Building docs and looking for warnings:**
 Once you have all the requirements,​ you can do the building with: Once you have all the requirements,​ you can do the building with:
Line 24: Line 24:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-And check the warnings with:+And check the warnings with the following script.
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-grep warn doc_make.log+#​!/​bin/​bash 
 +# SPDX-License-Identifier:​ GPL-2.
 +# Copyright(c) Shuah Khan <​>​ 
 +# License: GPLv2 
 +# Generates wiki format table of task list from Document 
 +# build log 
 +# Usage: <​doc_build_log_file>​ 
 +# Print Table header 
 +echo "| **Task** | **Description** | **Owner** | **Status** | **Commit ID** |" 
 +for f in `egrep "​warn|WARN|error|ERROR"​ $1 | \ 
 +        egrep "​.c:​|.h:​|.rst:"​ | \ 
 +        awk -F: '​{print $1}' | awk '​!a[$0]++'​ | \ 
 +        sed -e "​s/​^.\///"​ | sed -e "​s/​^\/​mnt\/​data\/​lkml\/​linux_5.3\///"​` 
 +        echo "| $f | Fix warns | | | |" 
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +==== Documentation build warn tasks (generated on Linux 5.3.0) ====
-^   ​^ ​  ^ +**Before starting work on taskplease check the archive ​first to see if patch is already ​in progressPlease avoid duplicated efforts. [[​pipermail/linux-kernel-mentees/|Liunx Kernel Mentees Archive]]. Send email to the list informing others that you are working on the task.**
-**Directory/​File** ​ | **Description** | **Status** | +
-| Documentation/​scsi/​*.txt | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​RCU/​*.txt | Convert to ReST | Open | +
- +
-Backup tasks if the above get done. These directories also have mix of .txt and .rst. The .txt files need to be converted to ReST. +
- +
-^   ​^ ​  ^ +
-| Documentation/​device-mapper | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​sh | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​trace | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​misc-devices | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​arm64 | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​platform | Platform directory has one .txt file - Convert it to ReST | Converted | +
-| Documentation/​virtual | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​cpu-freq | Convert to ReST | Obsolete | +
-| Documentation/​admin-guide | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​block | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​translations | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​PCI | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​filesystems | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​networking | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​netlabel | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​crypto | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​sparc | Convert to ReST | Open | +
- +
-The following directories have files no extensions. These could be text files that need to be converted to ReST. +
- +
-^   ​^ ​  ^ +
-| Documentation/​misc-devices | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​target | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​firmware_class | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​isdn | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​parisc | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​spi | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​scsi | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​hwmon | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​EDID | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​nios2 | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​virtual | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​i2c | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​usb | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​translations | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​openrisc | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​w1 | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​filesystems | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​networking | Convert to ReST | Open | +
-| Documentation/​auxdisplay | Convert to ReST | Open | +
- +
-==== Documentation build warn fixes ==== +
- +
- +
-==== hrtimer_forward_now() return value is u64 ==== +
- +
-Callers of hrtimer_forward_now() should save the return value in u64. A few callers don't. Fix them. +
- +
-^   ​^ ​  ^ +
-| **Name** ​ | **Description** | **File** | **Status** | +
-| cx88_ir_work() | missed is unsigned long | drivers/​media/​pci/​cx88/​cx88-input.c | Open | +
-| rtc_pie_update_irq() | count is int | drivers/​rtc/​interface.c | Open | +
-| sched_cfs_period_timer() | overrun is int | kernel/​sched/​fair.c | Open | +
-| sched_rt_period_timer() | overrun is int | kernel/​sched/​rt.c | Open | +
- +
-==== Cleanup cppcheck errors ==== +
- +
-**Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour errors** +
- +
-These errors aren't real problems for us as compiler takes care of these. Howevercleaning these up doesn'​t hurt, especially in public API headers. Some maintainers might like drivers fixed, on the other hand fixing public API headers ​first is a good idea. There are two ways to fix this: +
- +
-  * Change #define FOO    (1 << 31) to #define FOO    BIT(31) or +
-  * Adding ​"​U"​ cast - changing (1 << 31) to (1U << 31) +
- +
-cd git_repo_dir +
- +
-cppcheck --force ./ > cppcheck.out 2>&​1 +
- +
-You can run cppcheck on one or more files by passing a list of files: +
-cppcheck --file-list=files +
- +
-Grep for "​Shifting signed 32-bit value by 31 bits is undefined behaviour"​ errors +
- +
-You can refer to the one I generated on [[https://​​file/​d/​19Xu7UqBGJ7BpzxEp92ZQYb6F8UPrk3z3/​view?​usp=sharing|Linux 5.2-rc3 cppcheck 32-bit log]] +
- +
-[[https://​​file/​d/​1EbBsyLNh9nQuB_z4JbkyxDsXqItSpNo4/​view?​usp=sharing|Linux 5.2-rc3 cppcheck full log]] +
- +
-**Defines ​in public headers - include/​** +
-^   ​^ ​  ^ +
-| **File** ​ | **Define** | **Status** | +
- +
-| uapi/​linux/​cramfs_fs.h | CRAMFS_BLK_FLAG_UNCOMPRESSED | Open | +
-| uapi/​linux/​ethtool.h | RXH_DISCARD | Open | +
-| uapi/​linux/​if_packet.h | TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE | Open | +
-| uapi/​linux/​kfd_ioctl.h | KFD_IOC_ALLOC_MEM_FLAGS_WRITABLE | Open | +
-| uapi/​linux/​media.h | MEDIA_ID_FLAG_NEXT | [[​linux-media/​​T/#u|Patch Sent use as reference]] | +
-| uapi/​linux/​nl80211.h | NL80211_FEATURE_ND_RANDOM_MAC_ADDR | Open | +
-| uapi/​linux/​vfio.h | VFIO_REGION_TYPE_PCI_VENDOR_TYPE | Open | +
-| linux/​videodev2.h | v4l2_fourcc_be | [[https://​​T/#​u|Patch sent - use as reference]] +
-| uapi/​drm/​exynos_drm.h| G2D_BUF_USERPTR | Open | +
-| uapi/​rdma/​vmw_pvrdma-abi.h | PVRDMA_UAR_QP_RECV | Open | +
-| uapi/​rdma/​vmw_pvrdma-abi.h | PVRDMA_UAR_CQ_POLL | Open | +
-| linux/ata.h | ATA_PRD_EOT | Open | +
-| linux/​cs5535.h | CS5536_GPIOM7_PME_FLAG | Open | +
-| linux/​cs5535.h | CS5536_GPIOM7_PME_EN | Open | +
-| linux/ide.h | IDE_DFLAG_NIEN_QUIRK | Open | +
-| linux/ide.h | IDE_HFLAG_NO_UNMASK_IRQS | Open | +
-| linux/​pxa2xx_ssp.h | SSCR0_MOD | Open | +
-| linux/​pxa2xx_ssp.h | SSCR1_TTELP | Open |  +
-| linux/​rtsx_pci.h | TRIG_DMA | Open | +
-| linux/​rtsx_pci.h | HAIMR_TRANS_START | Open | +
-| linux/​rtsx_pci.h | CMD_DONE_INT | Open | +
-| linux/​rtsx_pci.h | CMD_DONE_INT_EN | Open | +
-| linux/​serial_core.h | UPF_IOREMAP | Open | +
-| media/​dvb_frontend.h | DVBFE_ALGO_RECOVERY | Open | +
-| media/​dvb_frontend.h | DVBFE_ALGO_SEARCH_ERROR | Open | +
-| net/dst.h | DST_FEATURE_ECN_CA ​   (1 << 31) | Open | +
-| net/gue.h | GUE_PFLAG_REMCSUM | Open | +
-| rdma/​ib_verbs.h | IB_QP_CREATE_RESERVED_END | Open | +
-| rdma/​ib_verbs.h | IB_SEND_RESERVED_END | Open | +
-| video/​atmel_lcdc.h | ATMEL_LCDC_MEMOR | Open | +
-| video/​atmel_lcdc.h | ATMEL_LCDC_MEMOR_LITTLE | Open | +
-| video/​pm3fb.h | PM3PixelSize_INDIVIDUAL | Open | +
-| video/​pm3fb.h | PM3Render2D_TextureEnable | Open | +
-| video/​radeon.h | RB2D_DC_BUSY | Open | +
-| video/​radeon.h | HORZ_AUTO_RATIO_INC | Open |+
 +| **Task** | **Description** | **Owner** | **Status** | **Commit ID** |
 +| lib/​genalloc.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​i2c.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​regulator/​machine.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​regulator/​driver.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​net/​cfg80211.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​input/​sparse-keymap.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| mm/util.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| mm/slab.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​spi/​spi.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​usb/​typec/​bus.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​usb/​typec/​class.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​net/​mac80211.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​w1.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​amdgpu/​amdgpu_mn.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​amdgpu/​amdgpu_vm.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​amdgpu/​amdgpu_irq.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​amdgpu/​amdgpu_xgmi.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​amdgpu/​amdgpu_ras.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​amdgpu/​amdgpu_pm.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​display/​amdgpu_dm/​amdgpu_dm.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| fs/​direct-io.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| fs/libfs.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​display/​amdgpu_dm/​amdgpu_dm.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| fs/​posix_acl.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​drm/​drm_drv.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​drm/​drm_modeset_helper_vtables.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​drm/​drm_atomic_state_helper.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​mcde/​mcde_drv.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​skbuff.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​net/​sock.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​netdevice.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​lsm_hooks.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​phylink.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​net/​phy/​phylink.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​admin-guide/​xfs.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​uapi/​linux/​firewire-cdev.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​firewire/​core-transaction.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​ata/​libata-core.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​message/​fusion/​mptbase.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​tty/​serial/​serial_core.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| fs/​seq_file.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| fs/​debugfs/​inode.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| fs/​debugfs/​file.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​index.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​kbuild/​makefiles.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​xarray.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​crypto/​crypto_engine.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| drivers/​gpu/​drm/​amd/​amdgpu/​amdgpu_drv.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​drm/​drm_connector.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​trace/​kprobetrace.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| net/​core/​dev.c | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​security/​keys/​core.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​translations/​it_IT/​process/​maintainer-pgp-guide.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​translations/​it_IT/​process/​programming-language.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​virt/​index.rst | Fix warns | | | |
 +| include/​linux/​slab.h | Fix warns | | | |
 +| Documentation/​gpu/​drm-internals.rst | Fix warns | | | |
-**Uninitialized variable errors/​warns** 
-Grep for Uninitialized variable errors and send fixes in. Make sure the error is real and not a false. Check to see if it is used before initializing. 
lkmp/lkmp_task_list.1560897746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/18 22:42 by mchehab