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openchain:openchain_korea_work_group_eng [2019/12/06 07:07]
hakssung [1. OpenChain KWG Introduction]
openchain:openchain_korea_work_group_eng [2020/02/25 23:42] (current)
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 +====== NOTICE ======
 +This page has moved to the following page and will no longer be updated. : https://​​OpenChain-KWG/​
 [[openchain:​openchain-korean-working-group|Korean]] [[openchain:​openchain-korean-working-group|Korean]]
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 ====== 3. Meetings ====== ====== 3. Meetings ======
 +===== 5th Meeting =====
 +  * Organizer: Kakao
 +  * Schedule: <​del>​March 19, 2020</​del>​ (Unfortunately,​ due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the meeting was temporarily postponed.)
 +  * Place: Kakao Pangyo Office
 +=== Agenda ===
 +^ No  ^ Agenda ​                                                ^ Speaker ​                          ^ Slide  ^
 +| 1   | OpenChain Update ​                                      | Shane Coughlan, Linux Foundation ​ |        |
 +| 2   | Intro to Kakao Open Source Verification System, Olive  | Violet, Kakao                     ​| ​       |
 +| 3   | Open source contributions,​ really easy?                | Seo-yeon Lee, Line                |        |
 +| 4   | Updating ​                                              ​| ​                                  ​| ​       |
 ===== 4th Meeting ===== ===== 4th Meeting =====
   * Organizer: Ktds   * Organizer: Ktds
openchain/openchain_korea_work_group_eng.1575616028.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/12/06 07:07 by hakssung