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oss-health-metrics:metrics:contributor-breadth [2017/04/05 19:46]
abuhman [5. Known Implementations]
oss-health-metrics:metrics:contributor-breadth [2017/10/06 20:53] (current)
GeorgLink fixed link
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 ====== Contributor Breadth ====== ====== Contributor Breadth ======
-===== 1. Acronym ===== 
- +Page permanently moved to 
-===== 2Alternate Names ===== +https://​​chaoss/​metrics/​blob/​master/​activity-metrics/​
- +
- +
-===== 3. Classification ===== +
-Community Health +
- +
-===== 4. Description ===== +
-Ratio of non-core committers (drive-by committers) +
-Can indicate openess to outsiders +
-==== Visualization ==== +
- +
- +
-==== Interpretation ==== +
- +
- +
-===== 5. Known Implementations ===== +
- +
- +
-===== 6. Data Source ===== +
-The orginal data source or other metric this one is building on. +
- +
-===== 7. Pseudo Code/Query ===== +
-A generic calculation (code) or SQL query that generates the metric. +
- +
-===== 8. Data Exchange Format ===== +
-Describe how the metric is encoded for sharing and communicating between programs. +
- +
-===== 9. References to Academic Literature ===== +
-Papers released in the academic literature that uses the metric. +
- +
-===== 10. Internet References ===== +
-Links to websites that add value to the understanding of the metric. +
- +
-===== 11. Contributors ===== +
-Authors of the metric page and authors who made significant changes.+
oss-health-metrics/metrics/contributor-breadth.1491421619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/05 19:46 by abuhman