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1. Acronym

2. Alternate Names

3. Classification

Community Health

4. Description

Number of forks



5. Known Implementations

6. Data Source

Number of direct forks for each project that is not itself a fork (does not take into account forks of forks)

select base_projects.base_project_id, as base_project_name, 
base_projects.url as base_project_url, count( as num_forks from 
(select * from projects) as forks
right join
(select id as base_project_id, name, url from projects
where forked_from is null) as base_projects
on forks.forked_from = base_projects.base_project_id
group by base_projects.base_project_id

7. Pseudo Code/Query

A generic calculation (code) or SQL query that generates the metric.

8. Data Exchange Format

Describe how the metric is encoded for sharing and communicating between programs.

9. References to Academic Literature

Papers released in the academic literature that uses the metric.

10. Internet References

Links to websites that add value to the understanding of the metric.

11. Contributors

Authors of the metric page and authors who made significant changes.

oss-health-metrics/metrics/forks.1491843877.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/10 17:04 by abuhman