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Meeting Minutes 2017-07-11
CHAOSS BoF at Open Source Summit North America 2017
What is our goal for the BoF and how do we want to structure the BoF?
We don't know how many people will show up but hope to have 10-15 attendees
We want to focus on the value metric “Growth - Maturity - Decline”
Include a short introduction to the CHAOSS group, but we only have 40 minutes
Goal: increase interest in our group and recruit more participants
CHAOSS Kick-Off Meeting
Meeting for initial members of governing board
2-hour meeting
Start to structure group and processes
Get to know everyone, face-to-face
Discussion about Metrics
CNCF defined a velocity metric
Very interesting approach
We would need to know more about why CNCF created this metric and for what purpose
The activity metric might not be very informative about how much value any project provides
Comparing comparable communities will be one way to make sense of metrics
The recently joined project has data on the
OSS ecosystem, including upstream dependencies and downstream uses
The OpenStack community has experience with metrics and how they can be gamed
Metrics might always be gamed, and we need to be open about it
Maybe, we can provide with each metric a disclaimer about known ways that a metric has been gamed or misappropriated before
When metrics are gamed, a hard reset and change of used metrics may be needed
The gamability of metrics needs to be part of the CHAOSS metrics discussion
Metrics may not only be used to determine value or use, but can also be used by steering committees to steer activities supported by metrics
The University of Missouri and University of Nebraska at Omaha are working on a visualization of the 'Growth - Maturity - Decline' metric
A Google Summer of Code project with the SPDX group is looking at license health
The CII Best Practices Badge may be interested in our metrics work
Potentially the best practices can inform work on the metrics
The Badge might incorporate metrics as criteria
We will connect with the CII group
(alphabetical by first name)
Derek Howard
Georg Link
Kate Stewart
Kevin Lumbard
Matt Germonprez
Peter Monk
Ray Paik