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oss-health-metrics:minutes:2017-08-01-meeting [2017/08/07 20:44]
GeorgLink [Other??]
oss-health-metrics:minutes:2017-08-01-meeting [2017/09/10 00:02] (current)
GeorgLink Page permanently moved
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 ====== Meeting Minutes 2017-08-01 ====== ====== Meeting Minutes 2017-08-01 ======
-===== Governance Update ===== 
-  * Governance document mostly done 
-  * Mozilla and Eclipse plan on joining CHAOSS 
-  * We are still trying to connect with Wikimedia 
-  * We are also talking to industry members 
-  * What is the process for declaring a metric official? 
-    * What process do we want to get input? 
-  * Currently, the four metrics are the ones we have heard the most 
-    * We do not have a formal process at this point 
-  * Do we want to have versioning? 
-    * No versioning would signal that metrics are constantly changing and differently understood in different contexts 
-      * Metrics are not software - does versioning make sense? 
-    * If there is a proposal to add a metric group, then we might have a discussion or process to add it 
-    * For reference implementations,​ they need to be able to work from a stable metrics version 
-    * We could establish a stable version for implementers and continue working on the metrics. Similar to stable and developer branches 
-    * The stable version that gets implemented will lead to feedback that informs the future development 
-    * It would be good to have a stable version of the metrics specification for implementation 
-  * How do we get consensus for establishing a stable metrics version? 
-    * That needs to be decided 
-    * Discussion will continue on the mailing list 
-===== Open Source Summit NA Update on BoF session and additional break-out session ===== 
-  * We have a BoF at the Open Source Summit North America 
-    * Monday, September 11 • 5:40pm - 6:20pm - http://​​BCsP 
-  * Have another room for 2 hours the next day 
-    * Tuesday, September 12 • 2pm - 4pm 
-    * We will likely continue the conversation from the BoF 
-  * Open Source Summit Europe in Prague: We have a room for 4 hours 
-    * Tuesday, October 24 • 9am - 1pm 
-    * Possibly start with overview of CHAOSS and then break-out session? 
-    * Topics to be decided. 
-  * See Ray's email: https://​​pipermail/​oss-health-metrics/​2017-August/​000063.html 
-===== Other?? ===== 
-  * How did the current four metrics come to be? 
-    * **Project Diversity and Inclusion** is a metric that many people expressed an interest in. For example, if three large corporate members drop out of the community within one week, that is a strong signal. Mozilla expressed interest in lining this metric up with their Internet Health report (https://​​). 
-    * **Project Growth - Maturity - Decline** answers whether our community or project growing. This question is asked by board members and many people. However, it is a loaded question because the context determines how metrics are understood and what metrics are used. 
-    * **Project Risk** is useful for mergers and acquisitions between projects and for companies. To what extent does a project have good hygiene? This question is important to the Core Infrastructure Initiative. How safe is a project to use or are there hidden risks? With regards to licensing, this metric aligns with the work of the SPDX group. 
-    * **Project Position with OSS Ecosystem** is important because projects may be used by many projects downstream. The project can show where a project sits within the ecosystem. How is a project used and what does it use? 
-    * Each of these metrics is a composite of smaller activity metrics 
-    * The choice of current metrics are opportunistic and when other metrics are suggested, we can discuss and add them 
-    * Important: the metrics have to derive value or they will not be used 
-      * Value is in the eye of the user: the context matters 
-      * The ecosystem has different actors: developers may have different choices what looks as a better developer environment;​ a user of the ecosystem may be more interested in the popularity and that it is actively maintained. What is indicative of health is a factor of purpose and use scenario 
-      * We have to talk to different stakeholders,​ like the Symphony Foundation, to establish ground truth 
-        * https://​ - Bitergia dashboard for Symphony Foundation 
-        * Many good production metrics 
-        * No consumption metrics - difficult to obtain - Philosophy: growth starts with consumption 
-  * How is the current list of activity metrics build? 
-    * Several strategies informed the list: 
-      * Research and conversations with practitioners 
-      * The list is incomplete and suggestions are welcome 
-    * A missing metric is: Effect of gender diversity: effect of seniority on teams 
-    * The activity metrics can be a long list of metrics 'for metrics sake' 
-      * Not all metrics have to be used in value-oriented metrics 
-      * We may list all possible metrics and keep track of why it is not used or how it could be misused 
-===== Attenance ===== 
-  * Christian Cmehil-Warn 
-  * Derek Howard 
-  * Georg Link 
-  * Josianne Marsan 
-  * Kate Stewart 
-  * Matt Germonprez 
-  * Peter Monks 
-  * Ray Paik 
-  * Sean Goggins 
-  * Tom Mens 
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oss-health-metrics/minutes/2017-08-01-meeting.1502138675.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/07 20:44 by GeorgLink