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realtime:documentation:technical_basics:latency [2018/08/21 14:33]
ebugden Add line to delimit content repeated on other page
realtime:documentation:technical_basics:latency [2023/10/03 08:31] (current)
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 In computing, the term //latency// is generally defined as "the time taken to perform a task". As explained above, the term //latency// often means something slightly different when discussing an RT system. ​ Having this second definition for the term //latency// can sometimes get a little confusing because the general definition of the term is also used when discussing real-time topics. So, it is important to remember that //latency// can mean slightly different things depending on how it is used. In computing, the term //latency// is generally defined as "the time taken to perform a task". As explained above, the term //latency// often means something slightly different when discussing an RT system. ​ Having this second definition for the term //latency// can sometimes get a little confusing because the general definition of the term is also used when discussing real-time topics. So, it is important to remember that //latency// can mean slightly different things depending on how it is used.
 +More information:​
 +  * [[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​debugging:​start|Latency debugging]]
realtime/documentation/technical_basics/latency.1534861993.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/08/21 14:33 by ebugden