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realtime:documentation:technical_basics:start [2023/10/01 16:12]
costa.shul realign \and reorder paragraphs
realtime:documentation:technical_basics:start [2023/10/03 08:27] (current)
costa.shul Dynticks
Line 51: Line 51:
 <WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​technical_basics:​sched_rt_throttling|Read more about RT throttling]]</​WRAP>​ <WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​technical_basics:​sched_rt_throttling|Read more about RT throttling]]</​WRAP>​
 +===== Latency =====
 +Low latency is a critical requirement in real-time computing environments because it ensures that tasks or processes can respond quickly and predictably to external events or inputs.
 +<WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​technical_basics:​latency|Read more about the term latency]]</​WRAP>​
 +===== Dynticks =====
 +Dynticks or Dynamic ticks or **no HZ** mode reduces timer interrupts overhead.
 +<WRAP rightalign>​[[realtime:​documentation:​howto:​tools:​ticklesskernel|Read more about the dynamic ticks]]</​WRAP>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
realtime/documentation/technical_basics/start.1696176726.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/10/01 16:12 by costa.shul