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Some simple rules for editors

First of all a account with write access to the Real-Time Linux WIKI needs to be created. Before editing please be sure to consider the general rules, to have an idea about the structure of the WIKI (especially when creating new pages), and to respect the content guidelines.

How to create an account

In order to create an account with write access to the Real-Time Linux WIKI, take the following steps:

  • Register on the site for permissions to login: Click on Login/Register at top right and fill in registration if you don't already have an id.
  • Send an email to asking for edit permission for the Real-Time Linux WIKI and providing login id.
  • When you get confirmation back (usually in a day), make sure to log out, and then log back in again.

General Editing Rules

Please consider the following simple rules when editing:

  • Treat others with respect and civility
  • Keep the writing objective and factual, and not opinionated please
  • Do not infringe copyright
  • Cite and if you cite, please cite the correct way
  • No promoting products or services

Content Rules

The content in this WIKI represents state of the art. This means, all information about features and characteristics of the currently supported PREEMPT_RT patch versions should be carried together in this WIKI. Hints for PREEMPT_RT patch versions, that will be one day no longer state of the art, can be left there as history if they are important. Otherwise they should be removed.

For currently supported versions please refer to PREEMPT_RT versions.


The pages of this WIKI are organized in categories with several subcategories. For a detailed overview of the structure please have a look at the Sitemap.

  • communication (all communication channels are described)
  • documentation (howtos, technical documentation)
  • events
  • rtl (all Real-Time Linux Project specific information)

The page structure should be consistent over the whole WIKI: The main pages give an overview with short teasers describing the different topics. The link to the more detailed description of a topic is flushed right. The page layout of the WIKI is structured with the dokuwiki WRAP plugin. Dokuwiki offers a default main page for every category (category is also known as namespace). This is the page “start” in the specific category.

realtime/edit_guideline.1486565565.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/08 14:52 by anna-maria