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realtime:events:rt-summit2016:rt-stable [2016/08/22 13:35]
anna-maria created
realtime:events:rt-summit2016:rt-stable [2016/08/22 14:39] (current)
anna-maria insert go back to schedule link
Line 42: Line 42:
 Linux community and has given several talks around the world on the Linux community and has given several talks around the world on the
 topics of Real-Time and Tracing. topics of Real-Time and Tracing.
 +<WRAP rightalign>​ Go to [[realtime:​events:​rt-summit2016:​schedule|Real-Time Summit 2016 Schedule]]</​WRAP>​
realtime/events/rt-summit2016/rt-stable.1471872947.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/22 13:35 by anna-maria