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realtime:events:rt-summit2018:schedule [2018/10/10 07:47]
anna-maria created
realtime:events:rt-summit2018:schedule [2018/10/10 08:40] (current)
tglx trivial cleanup
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-Schedule+====== RT-Summit 2018 Schedule====== 
 +This years RT-Summit is mostly in a workshop format. Short introductory talks to get the discussion rolling and deep diving into technical issues.  
 +^ Time  ^ Topic ^ Session lead, presenter ^ 
 +|  9:00 | Introduction | | 
 +|  9:15 | Preempt-RT - State of the union | Thomas Gleixner | 
 +| 10:00 | [[schedule#​abstracts|Mind the gap - between real-time Linux and real-time theory]] | Daniel Bristot de Oliveira | 
 +| 11:00 | Break | |  
 +| 11:30 | Printk | John Ogness | 
 +| 12:30 | Lunch | | 
 +| 13:30 | Scheduler and related RT pitfalls | Peter Zijlstra | 
 +| 15:00 | Break | | 
 +| 15:30 | Softirq handling | Thomas Gleixner | 
 +| 16:30 | Open discussion and wrap up | | 
 +| 17:30 | Beerstorming | | 
 +==== Abstracts ==== 
 +=== Mind the gap - between real-time Linux and real-time theory === 
 +It is common to see RT Linux being used on research projects. However, 
 +the assumptions made in papers are very often unrealistic. In contrast, 
 +researchers argue that the latency metric, although useful, is an 
 +oversimplification of the problem. 
 +It is a consensus that the academic research helps to improve Linux’s 
 +state-of-art,​ and vice versa. So how can we reduce the gap between these 
 +task forces? The real-time researchers start papers with a clear 
 +definition of the task model. But we do not have a task model for Linux: 
 +this is where the gap is. 
 +This talk presents effort on establishing the task model for the PREEMPT 
 +RT Linux. Starting with the description of the operations that influence 
 +the timing behavior of tasks, passing by the definition of the 
 +relationships of the operations. Finally, the outcomes for Linux, like 
 +new metrics and a model validator for the kernel, are discussed. 
 +== About the author == 
 +Daniel Bristot de Oliveira is a Senior Software Engineer Red Hat. He is 
 +also a last year Ph.D. candidate at the Scuola Superiore Sant'​Anna (ITA) 
 +and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (BRA). In all cases, working 
 +with real-time related subjects. 
realtime/events/rt-summit2018/schedule.1539157651.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/10 07:47 by anna-maria