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start [2016/06/09 19:40]
emsearcy fix LLVMLinux URL
start [2025/02/20 17:56] (current)
rday [Other Linux Foundation project wikis]
Line 3: Line 3:
 Welcome to the Linux Foundation DokuWiki site! Welcome to the Linux Foundation DokuWiki site!
-This wiki provides a space for Linux Foundation projects to share documentation and governance information. ​ To learn more about the Linux Foundation, please visit our [[http://​​|home page]].+This wiki provides a space for Linux Foundation projects to share documentation and governance information. ​ To learn more about the Linux Foundation, please visit our [[https://​​|home page]].
 ===== Projects using this wiki ===== ===== Projects using this wiki =====
 +  * [[:​Accessibility:​start]]
 +  * [[:​cgl:​start|Carrier Grade Linux]]
 +  * [[:​CHAOSS:​start]]
 +  * [[:​civilinfrastructureplatform:​start|Civil Infrastructure Platform]]
 +  * [[:​celp:​start|Core Embedded Linux Project]]
   * [[:​cii:​start|Core Infrastructure Initiative]]   * [[:​cii:​start|Core Infrastructure Initiative]]
   * [[:​Diamon:​start]]   * [[:​Diamon:​start]]
-  * [[:LTSI:start]]+  * [[:driver-backport:​start|Driver Backport]] 
 +  * [[:​lkmp|Linux Kernel Mentorship]] 
 +  * [[:​linux-raid:​start|Linux RAID]] 
 +  * [[:​LSB:​start]] 
 +  * [[:​LTS-Kernel:​start]] 
 +  * [[:​Networking:start]]
   * [[:​OpenChain:​start]]   * [[:​OpenChain:​start]]
-  * [[:openmainframeproject:start|Open Mainframe Project]] +  * [[:OpenPrinting:start]] 
- +  * [[:OSAPA:start]] 
-===== Former MediaWiki content ===== +  * [[:realtime:​start|Real-Time Linux]]
- +
-This wiki was formerly a MediaWiki site that can still be accessed. ​ The Linux Standards Base workgroup wiki can be accessed here: +
- +
-  * [[https://​​en/​LSB]] +
- +
-The Accessibility,​ Consumer Electronics,​ Networking, and OpenPrinting workgroups had their MediaWiki content migrated to the Linux Foundation site: +
- +
-  * [[http://​​collaborate/​workgroups]]+
 ===== Other Linux Foundation project wikis ===== ===== Other Linux Foundation project wikis =====
-List may not be exhaustive.+List may not be exhaustive. ​
-  * [[https://​​]] 
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
 +  * [[https://​​]]
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
 +  * [[https://​​]]
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
-  * [[https://​​]] 
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
-  * [[https://​]]+  * [[https://​​]] 
 +  * [[https://​​]] 
 +  * [[https://​]]
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
   * [[https://​​]]   * [[https://​​]]
start.1465501205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/09 19:40 by emsearcy