The world of generalized content markup (such as HTML) is complimented by markup specifications that facilitate more semantically precise content markup in particular knowledge domains (such as MathML in the domain of mathematics). Similarly, users who rely on assistive technologies (AT) require content access that properly exposes the more complex structures delineated by knowledge domain markup in order to use this content effectively. Unfortunately, the default rendering and content navigation provided by AT is not designed to take advantage of the semantic richness exposed by knowledge domain specific markup and is, consequently, inadequate to serve user needs properly. The Open A11y Expert Handlers SIG is exploring opportunities for specifying a standardized plugin mechanism that would allow both open source and proprietary assistive technology to provide enhanced, semantically rich alternative access to knowledge domain specific content exposed by knowledge domain specific markup.
Neil: too complex a sentence: “Similarly, users who rely on assistive technologies (AT) require content access that properly exposes the more complex structures delineated by knowledge domain markup in order to use this content effectively. Unfortunately, the default rendering and content navigation provided by AT is not designed to take advantage of the semantic richness exposed by knowledge domain specific markup and is, consequently, inadequate to serve user needs properly.”
Janina: access strategies, content not precisely marked-up – need something to handle specific stuff as well
Neil: think i understand where you're going
Janina: next sentence is solution to problem statement
Janina: cites dictionary definition of “delineated” but conceeds could be a problem to comprehension
Neil: sentence too complicated; who, and by and that…
Vladmir: had same problem with sentence; should be understandable by anyone
Pete: define instead of deleneate?
Neil: break into 2 or 3 sentences
Janina: last week a semantic problem; this week just grammar and usage, then i'll take a crack at a draft 4
Janina: word “semantic” which not there prior to this draft is now there too frequently
GJR: Similarly, users who rely on assisstive technologies (AT) require content access that properly exposes the more complex structures. In order to use this content effectively, it needs to be defined by knowledge domain markup. Unfortunately, the default rendering and content navigation provided by AT is not designed to take advantage of the semantic richness exposed by knowledge domain specific markup. Consequently, it is inadequate to serve the user's needs properly.“
Neil: needs more work – need to print out and work out;
Vladmir: different – difference not complexity issue
Janina: good point.
Vladmir: everyone typing on this page?
Janina: a wiki
Neil points out that GJR has lock on page
Neil: would like to take a shot at making structure less complex
Janina: agree – no problem with your taking a whack at it
Neil: agree with Vladmir not more complex but difference
ACTION: (new as of 13 August 2007) Neil to draft version 4 of Mission Statement