


The Linux Foundation (“LF”) is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening and promoting Linux as a platform for application development. By standardizing the use of the LF’s trademarks worldwide, consistency is assured, and our identity as the leading force behind the Linux Standard Base and the LSB certification programs ensuring interoperability between applications and the Linux operating system is reinforced. As part of LF’s ongoing efforts to secure and protect its trademark rights for the benefit of the Linux community, we would appreciate your complying with the guidelines for the proper use of the LF’s trademarks and service marks:

  1. Please use “Linux Foundation” in the first reference to the organization in all documents of mass communication, including marketing collateral and web pages. Use “LF” only where there is another clear reference to “Linux Foundation” on the document.
  2. You may use the LF word marks to identify products that implement Linux Standard Base, subject to the terms of LF’s Trademark License. Please do not use the LF logo unless you are specifically identifying your company as being a member of LF. Please do not use any LF mark or logo in any fashion that may result in a likelihood of confusion between LF’s specifications and services and your own products and services. Any such unauthorized use could result in consumer confusing and would violate LF’s trademark rights.
  3. Please do not refer to a product or service as being LF- or LSB-certified or use any of LF’s certification marks, unless your company has successfully undergone LF’s compliance testing suites and LF has explicitly authorized your use of these terms and the LF certification marks, and you have executed LF’s Trademark License.
  4. Please do not attempt to claim or assert any ownership rights in any LF mark or logo by using or registering any LF mark or logo as a trademark, service mark, trade name, domain name, or “doing business as” name (“d/b/a”), alone or in combination with your own trademarks or service marks.
  5. When using an LF mark, please use the appropriate trademark symbol as indicated on this page, on the most prominent (or if none is prominent, the first), appearance of each LF mark. If you aren’t sure whether an LSB mark is registered in your country, please contact us for additional guidance as to what trademark symbol you should use.
  6. To help distinguish LF marks from mere words, they should be capitalized when in print. Acceptable alternatives include using bold or italic fonts, placing the trademark in quotation marks, capitalizing the first letter of the mark or using contrasting colors. These rules should be followed throughout the text of any document of mass communication, including printed or electronic documents and web pages.
  7. LF marks should be used only in their exact format. Please do not make changes to a trademark or logo by grafting together two trademarks, making one word two, varying spelling, adding words or letters to a trademark, abbreviating, using acronyms, or making a trademark plural or possessive. In addition, please do not alter the color, typography or proportions of LF’s design logos. In addition, we would appreciate your refraining from using any LF mark as a noun or a verb, but only as adjective.
  8. Unless required by the terms of a Trademark License you may hold from LF to use more specific language, please identify LF as the owner of the LF marks in a clearly visible manner on all written promotional materials having an area larger than 6 square inches (including, but not limited to, brochures, pamphlets, literature and informational displays) as follows:

“Linux Foundation, LF, Linux Standard Base, LSB, Linux Foundation Certified, LSB Certified and the Linux Foundation Certified logo are trademarks, service marks and certification marks, as appropriate, of Linux Foundation in the United States and in other countries.” If you have any advertising or marketing collateral that currently does not contain this attribution language, you may continue to distribute such materials until such time as your existing inventory of such materials is exhausted.

Colors for Trademarks The color references refer to the International Pantone Matching System for printing purposes. Whenever the colors are used in the Trademarks, they must be accurately matched to the standard. Colors must never be applied to the Trademarks as a screen or a tint. The standard color for the Certification Logo is:

Printing on coated (glossy) stock:

When printing on coated (glossy) stock, the Certification Logo will print in PMS 541C (dark blue) and PMS 3015c (aqua blue). The “3.x” must always print in white.
The Coated LSB logo

Printing on uncoated (matte) stock:

Since printing on uncoated or matte stock causes spot inks to print darker, the PMS colors must be adjusted accordingly. When printing on uncoated stock, the Certification Logo will print in PMS 294U (dark blue) and PMS 3005U (aqua blue). The “3.x” must always print in white.
The Uncoated LSB logo

Process color breakdown:

When printing in process color (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) the color breakdown must be as follows: the blue of the bulb and text must print as C95 M68 Y27 K15; the aqua blue of the “LSB” and the square around the “2.0” must print C94 M42 Y16 K4. The “3.x” must always print in white.
The Process LSB logo

Web-safe color breakdown:

For consistency in color when used on the Internet and in electronic presentations, the Certification Logo must be used in its color-safe version. The RGB color breakdown must be as follows: the blue of the bulb and text must print as R0 G51 B102 or Hex Color 003366; the aqua blue of the “LSB” and the square around the “2.0” must print R0 G102 B153 or Hex Color 006699. The “3.x” must always print in white.
The Websafe LSB logo

Color reproduction is preferred and should be applied where practicable. The specified PMS color must be used in Certification Logo reproductions as far as the printing or rendering process allows. If working in monochrome, it is acceptable to highlight the Certification Logo with a border. The Certification Logo can be reversed out in white or any other pale color.

If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or to receive the logos in other, high resolution electronic forms, please contact trademark at linuxfoundation dot org.

The LSB 3.1 Logo can be downloaded from the following link:/images/logos/LSB_3.1_Web.gif

networking/trademark_usage_guidelines.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/20 00:22 (external edit)