
Please note that this is a document under active editing by the OpenChain Curriculum Work Team contributors. The official OpenChain FAQ is here: OpenChain FAQ. Last updated 04-19-2017

What is the OpenChain Curriculum used for?

The OpenChain Curriculum slide deck provides reference material to meet OpenChain specification 1.0, requirement 1.2.

Who is the OpenChain Curriculum intended for?

The OpenChain Curriculum is intended to help companies shipping Open Source Software and the companies receiving such software through the supply chain.

What is the projected length of the OpenChain Curriculum slide training session?

The reference slides are designed to be delivered in a half day training session. They are split into chapters to allow flexible delivery across different timescales and - given the CC-0 licensing - to allow companies to “pick and choose” the sections they need to expand on any existing in-house training materials.

What jurisdiction does the IP law section cover?

The OpenChain Curriculum reference slides are focused on US law. Companies need to take this into account when considering the use of the reference slides for in-house training. Different legal jurisdictions have different legal requirements.

Are these slides everything you need to be compliant with licenses?

No, this is a reference deck. It is intended to help companies either get started with an OpenChain conferment compliance training program or to expand on existing training programs to help conform with the OpenChain Specification.

How can companies or individuals contribute to the OpenChain Curriculum?

You can join our mailing list at OpenChain Curriculum Mailing List. Everyone is invited to participate, contribute material and to assist expanding existing material.

openchain/curriculum-questions-and-answers.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/19 09:44 by shanecoughlan