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oss-health-metrics:minutes:2017-07-11-meeting [2017/07/11 21:26]
GeorgLink created
oss-health-metrics:minutes:2017-07-11-meeting [2017/09/10 00:01] (current)
GeorgLink Page permanently moved
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 ====== Meeting Minutes 2017-07-11 ====== ====== Meeting Minutes 2017-07-11 ======
-Start 13:00; End: 13:45 
- +Page permanently moved to 
-===== CHAOSS BoF at Open Source Summit North America 2017 ===== +[[chaoss:metrics:minutes:2017-07-11-meeting|/chaoss/metrics/2017-07-11-meeting]]
- +
-  * We have a 40 minute session on Monday, September 11 from 5:40pm to 6:20pm - http://​​BCsP +
-  * What is our goal for the BoF and how do we want to structure the BoF?  +
- * We don't know how many people will show up but hope to have 10-15 attendees +
- * We want to focus on the value metric "​Growth - Maturity - Decline"​ +
-    * Potentially ask participants to prioritize the activity metrics within the value metric +
-    * Look at metric with regards to gaming and value +
- * Include a short introduction to the CHAOSS group, but we only have 40 minutes +
-  * Goalincrease interest in our group and recruit more participants +
-    * Maybe use the 40 minutes to identify priorities of the value metric and then have follow-up workshop the following days for a deep dive +
-  +
- +
-===== CHAOSS Kick-Off Meeting ===== +
- +
-  * Meeting for initial members of governing board +
-  * 2-hour meeting +
-  * Start to structure group and processes +
-  * Get to know everyone, face-to-face +
-   +
- +
-===== Discussion about Metrics ===== +
- +
-  * CNCF defined a velocity metric +
-    * Repository for the code:​velocity +
-    * Result from analysis: https://​​spreadsheets/​d/​1hD-hXlVT60AGhGVifNn7nNo9oVMKnIoQ2kBNmx-YY8M/​edit#​gid=1381312348 +
-    * Very interesting approach +
-    * We would need to know more about why CNCF created this metric and for what purpose +
-    * The activity metric might not be very informative about how much value any project provides +
-      * The activity metrics, such as issues, can be gamed and are not necessarily reliable +
-    * Comparing comparable communities will be one way to make sense of metrics +
-      * But the communities need to be of similar size, maturity state, type ... +
-  * The recently joined project has data on the OSS ecosystem, including upstream dependencies and downstream uses +
-  * The OpenStack community has experience with metrics and how they can be gamed +
-    * Metrics might always be gamed, and we need to be open about it +
-    * Maybe, we can provide with each metric a disclaimer about known ways that a metric has been gamed or misappropriated before +
-    * When metrics are gamed, a hard reset and change of used metrics may be needed +
-    * The gamability of metrics needs to be part of the CHAOSS metrics discussion +
-  * Metrics may not only be used to determine value or use, but can also be used by steering committees to steer activities supported by metrics +
-   +
- +
-===== Updates ===== +
- +
-  * The University of Missouri and University of Nebraska at Omaha are working on a visualization of the '​Growth ​Maturity - Decline'​ metric +
-  * A Google Summer of Code project with the SPDX group is looking at license health +
-  * The CII Best Practices Badge may be interested in our metrics work +
-    * Potentially the best practices can inform work on the metrics  +
-    * The Badge might incorporate metrics as criteria  +
-    * We will connect with the CII group +
- +
- +
-===== Attendance ===== +
- +
-(alphabetical by first name) +
- +
-  * Derek Howard +
-  * Georg Link +
-  * Kate Stewart +
-  * Kevin Lumbard +
-  * Matt Germonprez +
-  * Peter Monk +
-  * Ray Paik+
oss-health-metrics/minutes/2017-07-11-meeting.1499808415.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/11 21:26 by GeorgLink