
Minutes of the April 2015 TAB Meeting


  • Grant Likely
  • Jon Corbet
  • H. Peter Anvin
  • Greg Kroah-Hartman
  • John Linville
  • Chris Mason
  • Amanda McPhearson (LF)

1. Report from Linux Foundation Board of Directors Meeting

Grant attended the face to face Linux Foundation board meeting on March 31st. The Linux Foundation continues to be a well run organization and is in a period of significant growth with all the Collaborative projects that have been launched. There was some discussion about the projects and whether or not the TAB should be involved with evaluating new projects. Grant will ask Jim Zemlin to talk with the TAB at a future meeting about how collaborative projects are selected and vetted.

2. Internet Trolling

Following from last months discussion, Greg has drafted the Code of Conflict, but we need to have an response plan in the case of a complaint being raised to the TAB. Jon and Grant will both look at drafting something in the next two weeks.

3. Electoral Process

Kristen was not on the call. The new process is largely complete, but needs a few revisions and another review.

4. Developer Experience Survey

In previous meetings, the idea of doing a developer survey has been raised for polling developers about their experience working with the Linux community. However, without having any solid ideas about how the data would be used, or how it would be helpful, Matthew suggested dropping the idea for now.

5. Project Updates

Greg reported on CII project progressing with more organization, and encouraging sponsored projects to adopt good security and testing practices.

Greg also reported that there really isn't much to report on the Kernel Testing project. kselftest patches are getting merged and cross platform support work is in progress

The Plumbers committee has begun to accept miniconference proposals and planning is on track

tab/minutes-april-2015-tab-meeting.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/19 01:24 (external edit)