
Minutes of the February 2014 TAB meeting

Minutes for the February 6, 2014 TAB meeting


  • James Bottomley (chair)
  • Sarah Sharp
  • Jonathan Corbet (recorder)
  • Thomas Gleixner
  • John Linville
  • Ric Wheeler

1) Linux Plumbers Conference update

James reports that all is going according to plan, with the possible exception of publicity efforts, which have not really gotten off the ground yet.

There is one microconf proposal (network virtualization) thus far; the organizers would like to see quite a few more. TAB members were encouraged to put in proposals or to get others to do so. Thomas said he might try to do a realtime microconference. Ric is thinking about a filesystems microconference, and John suggested that wireless was maybe a possibility.

2 & 3) UEFI and UEFI Secure Boot

[UEFI discussions are held under NDA]

4) Minutes

Minutes for recent meetings are now available on the LF web site; no progess has been made for older meetings.

The January minutes were approved for posting.

5) Other business

Sarah noted that the next cycle for the Outreach Program for Women is coming; she is looking for more mentors and/or patch reviewers for this cycle. Anybody wanting to help should contact her directly. There is also, of course, a constant desire for sponsors for more OPW positions.

There was some discussion of possible sponsors, with certain committee members' names being taken in vain. James suggested contacting them directly, though, since “nobody reads the minutes.” At that point your recorder, discouraged, went off for beer.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:15.

tab/minutes-february-2014-tab-meeting.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/19 01:24 (external edit)